Best books on Options Trading in India
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Best-books-on-Options-Trading-India |
1) Options as a Strategic Investment, by Lawrence G. McMillan
The book "Options as a Strategic Investment" by Lawrence G. McMillan is a well-known guide to option trading. It is a classic in the field and is often suaggested to people who want to learn about methods and techniques for option trading. The book talks about a lot of different things, like how options work, how to price them, how volatile they are, how to use them, and more. It tells you everything you need to know about options and has tips for both new and expert traders. It's important to know that the book was first published in 1973 and has been updated over the years to represent changes in the options market.
Options as a Strategic Investment" by Lawrence G. McMillan is a comprehensive book that covers different aspects of options trading.
Here is an overview of the topics covered in the book:
In the first part of the book, "Introduction to Options," the basic terms, types, and features of options are explained.
- Option Pricing: McMillan talks about models for pricing options and things like time decay, volatility, and interest rates that affect the prices of options.
- Basic Option Strategies: Several basic option strategies are talked about, such as buying and selling calls and puts, covered calls, protected puts, and spreads.
- Advanced Option Strategies: This book looks at more complicated option strategies, such as straddles, strangles, condors, butterflies, and ratio spreads.
- Volatility: McMillan goes into detail about volatility, including historical volatility and implied volatility, and how it affects price and strategies for options.
- Risk Management: The value of risk management in options trading is emphasised, and topics like position sizing, stop-loss orders, and adjusting trades are covered.
- Option Analysis: This book shows how to use different tools and methods to analyse options, such as option chains, option greeks (delta, gamma, theta, and vega), and volatility skew.
- Index Options: McMillan talks about option trading on stock indexes, including what makes them different and how to trade them.
- Volatility Products: The book talks about how to use volatility products like VIX futures and options.
- Option Trading and Taxation: The taxation aspects of options trading are briefly covered.
The book gives many examples, case studies, and real-world situations to show how the ideas are used in the real world. It is a complete guide for both new and experienced options traders, giving them tips and strategies for trading success.
2) The Options Playbook by Brian Overby:
"The Options Playbook" aims to give readers a complete understanding of options trading strategies and techniques. It covers a wide range of topics, from basic ideas to advanced strategies, making it good for both new and experienced traders. The book is full of practical tips, actionable strategies, and examples to help readers improve their options trading knowledge and skills.
The Options Playbook" by Brian Overby is a well-known book that explains everything you need to know about buying options.
Here's a summary of what you might find in the book:
- Basics of Options: The book starts by teaching the basics of options, such as what they are, how they work, and what terms are used.
- Option Strategies: Overby talks about a wide range of option strategies, from simple ones to more complicated ones. Each approach is described in detail, giving you ideas about when and how to use it.
- Risk Management: It is emphasized how important risk management is when buying options. Overby talks about different ways to handle risks and how to protect your places.
- Option Pricing and Greeks: This book looks at things like time decay, volatility, and interest rates that affect the price of an option. Overby also talks about the Greeks of options (delta, gamma, theta, and vega) and what they mean for knowing and taking care of options positions.
- Option Trading Tools: Overby talks about the different tools and resources that options traders have access to, such as option chains, analysis sites, and trading software. He gives advice on how to use these tools in the best way.
- Case Studies and Examples: The book has a lot of real-world case studies and examples to show how different tactics and situations work in options trading. This helps the reader see how the methods can be used in the real world.
- Trading Psychology: Overby talks about the mental side of trading and how important it is to stay disciplined and in control of your emotions when making trading choices.
3) Options Trading QuickStart Guide by ClydeBank Finance:
The "Options Trading QuickStart Guide" is meant to help people who are just starting out with options trading. It gives clear explanations of the main ideas, strategies, and risk management techniques. Even though the book is mostly for people who are just starting out, it can also be helpful for more experienced players who want to review the basics.
The "Options Trading QuickStart Guide" by ClydeBank Finance is a book for people who are just starting out and want to learn about selling options.
Here's a summary of what you might find in the book:
- Basics of Options: The book begins by teaching the most important parts of options trading, such as terminology, the different kinds of options, and how options contracts work.
- Option Pricing and Greeks: ClydeBank Finance talks about the things like time decay, volatility, and interest rates that affect the price of an option. The Greeks of options (delta, gamma, theta, and vega) are taught so that readers can understand how the values of these Greeks affect the price and risk of options.
- Option Strategies: Several strategies for option trading, both bullish and bearish, are explained. The book talks about how these techniques work and gives examples of how they can be used.
- Risk Management: It is emphasised how important risk management is when buying options. ClydeBank Finance talks about how stop-loss orders and position sizing can be used to manage risk and protect holdings.
- Trading Psychology and Mindset: The book talks about the mental side of trading and how important it is to be disciplined, keep your emotions in check, and have a clear trade plan.
- Tools and Resources for Options Trading: ClydeBank Finance gives an overview of different tools and resources that can help options traders, such as options chains, analysis platforms, and online brokers.
Glossary of Terms: The book has a full glossary of important terms and ideas connected to options trading. This gives readers a quick way to look up information.
4) "How to Make Money Trading Options" by Balkrishna M. Sadeker:
The book "How to Make Money Trading Options" by Balkrishna M. Sadekar is about methods that don't depend on the direction of the market. Its goal is to give readers a real-world understanding of these tactics and the tools they need to use them well. As always, it's important to think about the information in the book in light of your own risk tolerance, investing goals, and the state of the market.
"How to Make Money Trading Options" by Balkrishna M. Sadekar is a book about strategies for trading options that don't go in a certain way that can be used to make money.
Here's a summary of what you might find in the book:
- Introduction to Options: The first part of the book is an introduction to options. It goes over the basics of options contracts, terms, and how buying options works.
- Non-Directional Options Strategies: Sadekar talks about different non-directional options trading strategies that are meant to make money no matter which way the base asset moves. The goal of these tactics is to make money from things like time decay and volatility by combining different options positions.
- Options Pricing and Greeks: This book talks about the things that affect the prices of options, such as implied volatility, time decay, and the Greeks of options (delta, gamma, theta, and vega). To use non-directional strategies successfully, you need to understand these ideas.
- Risk Management: Sadekar talks about how important risk management is in option trading, and he gives advice on how to control and lessen the risks that come with non-directional strategies. This includes talks about the size of a position, how to set stop-loss orders, and how to change a position.
- Trading Psychology: The book goes into the mental side of option trading and gives tips on how to stay disciplined, deal with your feelings, and build a trading mindset.
- Case Studies and Examples: Sadekar uses examples and case studies from the real world to show how non-directional options tactics can be used. These cases show how the strategies work in a variety of market situations.
- Tools and Resources: The book tells traders about tools, platforms, and resources for options trading that can help them use non-directional tactics well.
5) Option Volatility and Pricing" by Sheldon Natenberg:
"Option Volatility and Pricing" is known for its clear explanations, real-world examples, and thorough coverage of option volatility and pricing. It is seen as a useful resource for both new and experienced options traders who want to learn more about volatility and how to use it to make good trading decisions.
"Option Volatility and Pricing: Advanced Trading Strategies and Techniques" by Sheldon Natenberg is a highly regarded book among options traders. It is often suggested as a complete guide to understanding and using concepts of option volatility and pricing.
Here's a summary of what you might find in the book:
In the first part of his book, "Introduction to Option Volatility," Natenberg explains what volatility is and how important it is in selling options. He talks about things like historical volatility, implied volatility, and the things that affect volatility.
Option Pricing Models: The book looks at different option pricing models, but the Black-Scholes model is the main topic. Natenberg explains how option prices are calculated and what factors affect option values.
Volatility Trading Strategies: Natenberg talks about both directional and non-directional strategies for trading volatility. He talks about straddles, strangles, volatility spreads, and ratio spreads.
Option Greeks: Natenberg explains how to use delta, gamma, theta, and vega to control and change options trades.
Trading Strategies and Methods: Natenberg talks about different ways to trade options, such as spread trading, ratio trading, and volatility arbitrage. He also talks about how to manage risk, change positions, and make trading strategies.
Market Analysis and Trading Environment: The book talks about how important it is to analyse the market and understand the trading environment when trading options. Natenberg gives advice on what to think about and how to change plans based on how the market is doing.
Practical Examples and Case Studies: Natenberg uses real-world examples and case studies throughout the book to show how the ideas and tactics discussed can be used.
6) Trading Option Greeks: How Time, Volatility, and Other Pricing Factors Drive Profits" by Dan Passarelli:
The goal of "Trading Option Greeks" is to give readers a full picture of how time, volatility, and other price factors affect options trading. It shows how different methods can be used to take advantage of these factors and gives traders real-world examples to help them understand the ideas. It's a great resource for traders who want to get better at option trading and make better decisions based on the Greeks.
Dan Passarelli's book "Trading Option Greeks: How Time, Volatility, and Other Pricing Factors Drive Profits" is about how to understand and use the option Greeks to improve trading techniques for options.
Here's what the book is about:
- Introduction to Option Greeks: Passarelli starts by talking about the option Greeks, which are ways to measure how different things affect an option's price and risk. In the book, Greeks like delta, gamma, theta, vega, and rho are talked about.
- Delta Trading Strategies: This book looks at trading strategies that are based on delta, which measures how sensitive the price of an option is to changes in the price of the underlying object. Passarelli talks about different delta-neutral trading techniques, like delta hedging and gamma scalping.
- Trading Strategies for Vega: Passarelli goes into detail about trading strategies that focus on vega, which shows how sensitive an option is to changes in expected volatility. He talks about how to use tactics like long and short volatility positions to make money from changes in volatility.
- Theta Trading Strategies: This book explains how to use theta, which shows how the value of an option changes over time. Passarelli talks about ways to use time decay to your advantage, such as options income schemes and calendar spreads.
- Rho and Other Things to Think About: Passarelli talks about rho, which is a way to measure how sensitive an option is to changes in interest rates. He also talks about other things that affect the price of options, such as profits and early exercise.
- Risk Management and Trade Adjustments: The book talks about how important it is to control risk when option trading and gives advice on how to change positions to do so. Passarelli talks about things like stop-loss orders, the size of a trade, and how to manage a portfolio's Greeks.
- Real-Life Examples and Case Studies: Throughout the book, Passarelli uses real-life examples and case studies to show how the strategies and ideas presented can be used.
7) The Bible of Options Strategies" by Guy Cohen:
"The Bible of Options Strategies" is known for giving traders a wide range of options trading strategies to choose from. It gives detailed explanations, ral-world examples, and practical tips for putting each strategy into action.
Guy Cohen's "The Bible of Options Strategies: The Definitive Guide for Practical Trading Strategies" is a large book with a wide range of options trading strategies.
Here is a summary of what the book covers:
- In the first part, "Introduction to Options," Cohen goes over the basics of options, such as terms, pricing, and how options trading works. He talks about things like "calls," "puts," "strike prices," and "expiration dates."
- Strategy Selection: The book stresses how important it is to choose the right options strategy based on market conditions, risk tolerance, and trading goals. Cohen gives advice on how to choose strategies that fit different market outlooks and trading goals.
- Single Options Strategies: Cohen talks about a wide range of single options strategies, such as long and short calls, long and short puts, covered calls, protective puts, and synthetic positions. For each strategy, he talks about how it works, how much money it could make, and how to control risk.
- Spreads: The book goes into options spread strategies like vertical spreads (also called "bull and bear spreads"), calendar spreads, diagonal spreads, and "ratio spreads." Cohen explains the pros and cons of each spread strategy and gives examples of when it might be a good idea to use it.
- Volatility Strategies: Cohen talks about straddles, strangles, and volatility condors, which are strategies that try to profit from changes in implied volatility. He shows how these strategies can be used to make money when implied volatility goes up or down.
- Synthetic Strategies: Cohen talks about synthetic stock positions, synthetic futures positions, and synthetic options strategies. These positions use options to copy the risk and return profile of other trading instruments.
- Exotic Strategies: The book talks about butterfly spreads, iron condors, and iron butterflies, which are more advanced and complicated options strategies. Cohen explains how to use these strategies well and what to think about when doing so.
- Risk Management and Trade Adjustments: Cohen talks about how important risk management is and how to change options positions to adapt to changing market conditions. He also talks about how to control risk, limit losses, and make the most money possible.
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